What Does A Hymen Look Like What Does A Hymen Look Like When It's Not Broken?

What does a hymen look like when it's not broken? - what does a hymen look like

What looks like when the hymen is broken? and then you can tell me what it's like when the hymen is broken?


sj.cary said...

Wrong. Your hymen is not show in her vagina, that if you use a hand mirror. Google Image is probably the best choice. The majority of women the hymen, before he interrupted sexual contact, because things like cycling, runing, and sometimes for no reason.

♥<Miss M>♥ said...

If the second answer was correct!

Can someone help ... please!
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index? ...

erin said...

You can use a mirror to see. It is there. She has a pretty pink. Brighter than the other parties out there.

Zeratul said...

Use hand mirror to see the hymen

....... said...

The hymen is too far into the vagina for you to be able to see. (a doctor can see if I need a Pap test), only a small layer of skin from the inside.

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